Multi-purpose Food Extruder VS Specific Food Extruder

During the communication with customers, some customers asked:

one twin-screw extruder that can make all products or as many products as possible.

I.Food Category

Before answering this question, let’s make sure we have same understanding on foods category.

The chart below illustrates some common classifications of extruded leisure foods.

According to the production process/taste/application, it is divided into 9 major categories.


Category No. Category Name
1 Baked Puffed Snacks
2 Fried Puffed Snacks
3 2d/3d Pellets Snacks
4 Fortified Rice, Instant Rice
5 TVP (Soya Chunks)
6 Corn Flakes
7 Céréales pour petit-déjeuner
8 Baby Rice Cereal
9 Bread Crumbs
10 Dog Food

II.Multi-Purpose Extruder and Specific Extruder

We have Specific extruder that is especially for a certain category of food, and also have Multipurpose extruder.


If your product target is clear: you need an extruder to make all the shapes of products under a CERTAIN category.

Then, for example, our WINCI model extruder is specially designed for 2d/3d pellets.

It can produce 90% of the 2d/3d pellets products on the market with perfect quality.

You only need to add the corresponding molding machine or mold shape.

PS: The remaining 10% of the 2d/3d pellets products are made by non-extrusion process, which will not be introduced here.


If your product target is NOT clear:

For example, our SLG-70A twin-screw extruder is good at all baked puffed snacks, some fried puffed snacks, breakfast cereals, baby rice cereal, bread crumbs, and some dog food.


Our 72-BJ-9 twin-screw extruder is good at producing all 2d/3d pellets products , fortified rice, nutritious rice, textured protein, corn flakes, and some dog food.

By changing the screw, 72-BJ-9 extruder can also produce baked puffed snacks, some fried puffed snacks, breakfast cereals, baby rice cereal, and bread crumbs.

That said, the 72-BJ-9 can produce almost every product type.

III. Food Competitiveness

You may really like 72-BJ-9, as it can make all kinds of categories.

While considering the advantage of multi-purpose extruder, please also pay attention to other factors.

We know, the purpose to open a food factory is to make business.

So any food factory need to make competitive products to win the market.

The following table shows the factors which affect the competitiveness of food.

Food Competitiveness Factors  
1 Food Quality Texture, appearance, taste,mouth feel
2 Average Manufacturing Cost per KG Raw materials, electricity, gas, labor cost
3 Marketing Advantage Weight-to-volume ratio, new shape, others
4 Machine Maintenance Cost Simplicity and complexity of production line and machine



IV.Multi-Purpose Extruders Different Performance

When all the above factors are taken into account, when the multi-purpose extruder 72-BJ-9 compares to each product’s Specific extruder, we get following charts:


  2D 3D Pelelts Fortified rice/Instant rice En-cas soufflés TVP (soya meat analogue) Céréales pour petit-déjeuner Aliments pour animaux
1 Product Quality Suitable

the taste is less Delicate than ones produced by our professional extruder model.

Very Suitable Less suitable Very Suitable Less suitable Suitable

(when have fresh meat in recipe, extrude it less good than the professional extruder with preconditioner)

2 Average Manufacturing Cost per KG Very Suitable Very Suitable Less suitable: Higher electricity cost per kg than extruder who especially produce puffed snack Very Suitable Less suitable Less suitable (higher production capacity per kg than professional extruder)
3 Marketing Advantages Suitable Very Suitable Less suitable:

Less puff ratio than the extruder who especially produce puffed snack

Very Suitable Less suitable Less suitable
4 Machine Maintenance Costs Very Suitable Very Suitable Less suitable:

Higher machine cost than the extruder who especially produce puffed snack

Very Suitable Less suitable Very suitable



From chart above, we can get:

A multi-purpose twin screw extruder has different performance for producing different foods.

For some foods, it performs very well, some has such or that disadvantages.



-We have Specific extruders that are specifically used for the production of a certain category of product.

– We also have extruders that are very suitable for the production of 4-5 category of products.

– We also have extruders that can produce all 10 category of products, but for 2 of which are VERY SUITABLE, and the other 8 are not as good as the production effects of Specific extruders.


Which extruder to choose depends on your production plan.

Not a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ .

If you plan to produce 3-5 categories firstly with extremely competitiveness on your market, then specific extruder is best choice for you.

If categories diversification is very important for you, and has less attention on the competitiveness, then an universal extruder is better.


As a supplier, we understand all the conditions of our customers.

We have the responsibility to fully communicate with our customers.

Welcome to consult.


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Nuages de mots-clés

machine à riz artificiel machine à fabriquer des miettes de pain machine à céréales pour le petit déjeuner machine à fabriquer des céréales pour le petit déjeuner ligne de production de céréales pour petit déjeuner machine à extruder les céréales extrusion de céréales machine à fabriquer des corn flakes machine à fabriquer des boulettes de maïs machine de fabrication d'aliments pour chiens collations extrudées machines pour l'extrusion de snacks alimentaires machine à flocons extrudeuse alimentaire machine d'extrusion alimentaire machine pour l'industrie alimentaire Ligne de production alimentaire de riz enrichies faisant la machine machine à fabriquer des fryums amidon modifié machine à amidon modifié ligne de production d'amidon modifié machine à panko extrudeuse d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie machines pour aliments pour animaux de compagnie ligne de production d'aliments pour animaux de compagnie machine à snacks soufflés machine à souffler puff collations ligne de traitement extrudeuse de riz extrudeuse pour snacks machine à extruder les snacks extrudeuse d'aliments de grignotage machines pour la production de snacks machine de fabrication d'aliments à grignoter équipement de transformation des aliments pour snacks machines de traitement des aliments pour snacks ligne de production de snacks machines à grignoter des collations faisant la machine machine de fabrication de snacks machine à fabriquer des morceaux de soja extrudeuse tvp extrusion tvp extrudeuse à double vis