मतभेद के बीच विभिन्न textured वनस्पति प्रोटीन
मतभेद के बीच विभिन्न Textured वनस्पति प्रोटीन Textured वनस्पति प्रोटीन भी कहा जाता है TVP, या मांस एनालॉग. यह एक तरह का स्वस्थ खाद्य आजकल, और पकाया जा सकता है में विभिन्न[...]
DAYI खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन से नए उन्नयन
हर खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन, extruder एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है के रूप में एक मेजबान में पूरे उत्पादन लाइन के हैं, और तकनीकी नवाचार की extruder कोर कुंजी[...]
250-300 किलो/घंटा की रफ्तार सूखी रेशेदार Textured सोया प्रोटीन बनाने की मशीन
I.Introduction of Dry Fibrous Textured Soya Protein Vegetable fiber textured protein is a kind of protein with muscle fiber structure, which has good chewiness and rich nutritions, usually used as[...]
Twin screw extruder and single screw extruder different practicality
Usage differences Twin-screw extruder generally produces food without a lot of extrusion pressure. The extrusion pressure of twin-screw extruder is not as good as that of single-screw extruder, which is[...]
100-160 किलो/ज त्वरित जई का आटा खाना प्रक्रिया उपकरण
I. Introduction of Instant Oat Flour Instant oat flour, or quick oat flour, refers to precooked oatmeal made from raw or flaked oats. It is widely used in various food[...]
Advantages of twin-screw extruder in the snack food processing industry
Extrusion is a common feed and food processing technique that involves the use of a series of screws (or a single screw) to push food into small troughs, which are[...]
200-250 किलो/घंटा की रफ्तार स्टार्च आधारित बफर सामग्री बाहर निकालना मशीन प्रक्रिया
I. Introduction of Starch-Based Buffer Material The starch-based buffer material is made of the degradable natural starch or modified starch as the basic raw material, optionally with other auxiliary ingredients. It[...]
Application and development prospect of extrusion technology
Multi-field application of extrusion technology 1) Application in snack food processing Extruded food is a successful product of applying extrusion technology to food processing. With rice, corn and other grains[...]
What is an extruder and its characteristics
Extruder machine Extruders evolved from simple forming machines, initially used only in the plastics industry and later in industries such as food. The extruders used at present are mainly screw[...]
SLG85-एक 400-500 किलो/घंटा की रफ्तार फूला Crisps नाश्ता उत्पादन लाइन
Introduction This SLG85 twin-screw extruder can produce puffed snack of around 400-500kg per hour. The PLC controller and touch screen bring more direct operation and monitoring experience. Application: various cereal[...]