Seasoning system in puffed food production line

After the extruded puffed food has gone through the drying or cooling stage, it needs to be seasoned to have different special flavors. This process method is a very convenient means to increase the quality and taste of puffed food, especially snack food, and is particularly valued by food manufacturers.


The general seasoning method is to evenly spray food oil such as palm oil on the surface of the extruded product, and then spray seasoning powder; or directly apply coating such as chocolate. The equipment used for spraying oil and seasoning is called a seasoning processor. In the past, the seasoning machines commonly used were single-drum seasoning machines and double-drum seasoning machines. However, with the continuous upgrading of equipment, in order to meet the requirements of higher product spraying seasoning, octagonal seasoning machines have been welcomed at home and abroad.

Commonly used octagonal seasoning machines have two heads and four heads, which are selected according to the production lines of different outputs. Some small food manufacturers also choose one head in order to save budget, but this is not an automatic seasoning machine and is not recommended.


Two-head octagonal seasoning machine is generally suitable for 200-300kg/h production line

Four-head octagonal seasoning machine is generally suitable for 400-500kg/h production line

The octagonal seasoning machine weighs the batches according to the set weight, and then sprays oil/sugar and dusting powder in batches. Compared with the drum seasoning machine, the seasoning is more uniform and the effect is better.


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