What is the difference between Panko and Breadcrumbs?

Panko is a unique type of breadcrumb with unique properties.

Learn more about the difference between panko and breadcrumbs.

breadcrumbs production line

What is Panko?

Invented in Japan, panko has been used in many Asian cuisines for decades and is now mainstream in most parts of the world. Panko is made from crustless white bread, which is thinly sliced and dried.

They are traditionally used in Japanese cooking to make tonkatsu and chicken tonkatsu. In recent years, panko has grown in popularity as a topping for macaroni and cheese, chicken parmesan casseroles, and as a crispy crust for roasted vegetable fries.

What are regular breadcrumbs?

Plain breadcrumbs can be made from a variety of different breads and crusts. They are processed to a finer crumb than panko and can be made in your own kitchen with a food processor. Store-bought breadcrumbs often have added herbs and seasonings already. Breadcrumbs are a handy staple that can be used for breading, stuffing, topping casseroles, and binding ground meat in dishes like burgers and patties.

Panko vs. Breadcrumbs: What’s the Difference?

When comparing panko to regular breadcrumbs, it’s important to understand that they share many similarities, so you can often use them interchangeably. Still, there are three differences between the two:

  1. Crunchiness: Panko is often a very crunchy ingredient to add to your recipes, while regular breadcrumbs are still crunchy, but not as crunchy when bitten into.
  2. Oil Absorption: Panko breadcrumbs absorb less oil than regular breadcrumbs. This explains why they are crispier than most alternatives and why they mimic the taste of fried foods so well.
  3. Bread Type: Regularbreadcrumbs may be wheat, white, or other types of baked bread. panko are just white bread (or a gluten-free alternative), without a crust, baked with an electric current.

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