क्या तुम चाहिए पता है के रूप में एक दृढ़ चावल निर्माता

Global Fortified Rice Market

According to relevant research reports, the global fortified rice market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% during the period 2021-2028 and may reach USD 46.33 billion by 2028. Rising product acceptance and usage are reasons fortifying the growth of the rice market during the forecast period 2021-2028.

Fortify the nutrition of rice

Rice fortification is basically the process of increasing the quantity of important micronutrients in rice by adding vitamins and minerals to improve its nutritional quality for health benefits. Fortified rice provides various essential nutrients that benefit the health of consumers.

Rising health awareness and rising cases of nutritional deficiencies are expected to increase the overall demand for fortified rice market over the forecast period 2021 to 2028. Rising awareness among global consumers towards health and wellness foods and high reliance on rice is also expected to boost the growth of the fortified rice market over the forecast period.

Extrusion technology for fortified rice

Hot or warm extrusion – Hot extrusion is considered the most powerful method of rice fortification, supported by extensive evidence, with positive effects on micronutrient deficiencies. Broken rice grains are ground into rice flour, which is then mixed with water and required nutrients to make dough. The strengthened dough is then passed through an extruder to produce strengthened rice grains, which are then mixed with regular rice at a ratio of 0.5-2%. The temperature at which extrusion occurs determines whether we are talking about hot extrusion or warm extrusion, and affects the gelatinization of rice starch, thereby affecting the hardness of the fortified kernel produced.

Heat extrusion is backed by a strong evidence base and has shown good consumer acceptance. Fortified rice looks, cooks and tastes the same as non-fortified rice

To have a positive impact on health, fortified rice needs to have the following benefits:

Stability during transport and storage

Residues from cooking and preparation

consumer acceptability

micronutrients absorbed by the body

Purchase cost of fortified rice

The exact cost of fortified rice depends on several factors, such as the size of the operation and the mix of fortified and non-fortified rice – most commonly 0.5-2%. However, the cost of fortified rice is small compared to the widespread benefits. The cost impact is about 0.5-3%, but this strategy can help address nutrient deficiencies at the population and individual level.

The extruder produced by Dayi Machinery company can produce all kinds of food, almost can meet all your needs, the enhanced rice extruder is one of the main production lines of Dayi machinery, many years of design and development experience and the high praise of overseas customers, it is worth your rest assured to order.

ई-मेल:[email protected]

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कृत्रिम चावल मशीन रोटी के टुकड़ों बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज उत्पादन लाइन अनाज बाहर निकालना मशीन अनाज बाहर निकालना अनाज प्रसंस्करण के उपकरण मकई का आटा बनाने की मशीन मकई के गुच्छे उत्पादन मशीन मकई पफ बनाने की मशीन डॉग खाद्य बनाने की मशीन extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना के अनाज बाहर निकालना नाश्ता खाद्य मशीनरी गुच्छे मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाद्य कारखाने मशीन खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन दृढ़ चावल बनाने की मशीन fryums बनाने की मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च संशोधित स्टार्च मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च उत्पादन लाइन panko मशीन पालतू पशु खाद्य extruder पालतू पशु खाद्य मशीनरी पालतू पशु खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन फूला नाश्ते मशीन पफ नाश्ता प्रसंस्करण लाइन चावल extruder नाश्ता extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उपकरण नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन नाश्ता मशीनरी नाश्ता बनाने की मशीन नाश्ते मशीन विनिर्माण सोया का हिस्सा बनाने की मशीन tvp extruder twin-screw बाहर निकालना मशीन