In snack food processing, the difference between drying and baking

Purpose of drying 

Extend the storage period: used in the processing of certain snack food to improve the processing quality, such as soybeans and peanuts, which are properly dried and dehydrated, which is conducive to shelling and post-processing; improves product quality; facilitates commodity circulation; dried food, its moisture The activity is low, which is conducive to long-term storage at room temperature; the weight of dried food is reduced, and the volume is reduced, which can significantly save packaging, storage and transportation costs, and is easy to carry and store. Therefore, food drying is necessary.

The basic concept of food dryer technology: Food dryer technology uses heat to evaporate in an evaporator under reduced pressure, so that the surface temperature of the evaporator is lower than the dew point of the indoor air, so that when the air flows through the evaporator, it is cooled and reduced. Below a certain temperature, the excess steam in the air will condense and precipitate on the surface of the evaporator. After the condensed water drips into the water receiving tray, it flows into the water container through the ventilation pipe.

After the normal working medium absorbs heat and vaporizes, it is sent to the condenser by the fan, and the condenser releases a large amount of latent heat of vaporization under high temperature and high pressure. When the air cooled in the evaporator passes through the condenser, after the heat absorption temperature rises, it is discharged in a dry state and mixed with the air sent into the room. Thereby reducing the indoor air humidity and achieving the purpose of drying and dehydration.

puff snacks

Baking technology and function

  1. Baking technology:

A processing method that uses steam to evaporate the water in the internal tissue of the food, while the internal tissue remains unchanged, but its appearance is in a semi-dry and semi-wet state. Roasting is the heating of food to evaporate water and soften the tissue. At the same time, the carbon dioxide gas produced during the heating process also makes the food skin expand.

  1. Function:
  2. Promote the decomposition of enzymes by heating, thus accelerating the protein denaturation and the reduction of vitamin content in food.
  3. Through heating, various components and properties of Maillard reactions can be produced inside the food, thereby improving the color and aroma of the food.
  4. The interaction force between food molecules is improved by heating, thereby changing the role played by protein and fat in the process of forming bread tissue, thereby improving the formation of fiber structure of dough during baking and the change of protein structure to bring bread The tissue is soft.
  5. The storage time of bread at room temperature is extended by heating, so that the bread tissue has better preservation.
  6. By continuously adjusting the dough temperature during baking, the elasticity and plasticity of the dough can be improved, thereby improving the quality of the dough.
  7. Baking can significantly increase the content of vitamin B1, B2 and various amino acids in flour; significantly reduce nutrients such as vitamin A, D and calcium; increase the content of mineral calcium the most.
  8. Roasting can change the texture and structure of the raw materials; after the raw materials are roasted at high temperature, a large number of aroma substances and aroma substances will be produced.
  9. Baking can make the color of the product uniform; at the same time, it produces a special fragrance (such as buttery fragrance) that can stimulate people’s appetite; in addition, baking can also improve the plasticity of the dough and the texture and structure of the product (such as the fine texture of bread).
  10. By baking, the protein content in the raw material can be reduced or its chemical composition can be changed to facilitate the shaping of the product (such as bread); and it can also produce a large number of aroma substances or provide a variety of aroma forming elements (such as the protein contained in flour contains at least 6 kinds of amino acids) to facilitate the forming of products and the formation of various flavors (for example, the fatty acids contained in cream are mainly octadecadienoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid), thereby improving the quality of raw materials and enhancing the flavor of products.
  11. The appearance and color of food can be made uniform through baking. Because of the continuous heating (generally around 500~600°C) during the baking process, the water in it evaporates and softens, and the Maillard reaction occurs to produce a large amount of gas, which produces a sense of expansion and causes the bread tissue to become soft; at the same time, it decomposes due to heat. So that the color of the bread tissue is uniform.


ई-मेल:[email protected]

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