Comprehensive understanding of industrial edible modified starch(1/2)

How much do you know about industrial edible modified starch? What performance does it have?


You definitely know about starch, but do you know what modified starch is? Today we will explain to you what modified starch is and its characteristics.


Modified starch is based on original starch, such as corn starch, potato starch, tapioca starch, wheat starch, etc. On the basis of these original starches, it changes a certain aspect of its performance to make some of its functions or properties more efficient. Superior to produce and process a starch derivative.


Modified starch can not only maintain certain characteristics of its original starch, but we can also improve some of its more superior characteristics according to the needs of our production or our process to adapt to the production and storage of products in modern industry and improve products. quality.

corn modified starchModified starch test

There are many processing methods for modified starch, and there are three commonly used categories:

1   Physical denaturation


This is what we are exposed to regularly, also called pregelatinized starch, also called alpha starch.


2   Chemical denaturation


It has a wide range of uses, and we often hear about oxidized starch, acid-hydrated starch, acetate starch, hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate, etc.


3   Enzymatic denaturation


For example, beta dextrin, embedded flavors and fragrances and other porous starches, etc.


If you want to know more about modified starch, please read the next blog- Comprehensive understanding of industrial edible modified starch(2/2)!


ई-मेल:[email protected]

WhatsApp:+86 13573122583

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