The characteristics of floating fish feed and how to choose floating fish feed making machine

With the rapid development of aquaculture industry, its economic benefits have been quite considerable, so a variety of aquatic feed, especially floating fish feed particles came into being. Because the intestines of aquatic animals such as fish and shrimp are small and the digestion and absorption capacity is poor, the production process requirements of aquatic feed are much higher than that of livestock and poultry feed, so it is very important to choose the right fish food machine to produce aquatic feed.

fish feed extruder

Before choosing a fish feed extruder machine, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of aquatic feed.

  1. Small particle size.

Due to the short digestive tract of aquatic animals and related physiological characteristics, in order to speed up digestion and absorption, aquatic feed should be smaller than the grinding particle size of livestock and poultry feed, such as the production of eel and shrimp feed, its particle size should reach 80 to 120 mesh, in order to ensure the production of high-quality fish feed particles.

Therefore, the hammer mill/grinder is very important to ensure the production of very fine flour materials. Our machines and systems produce highly accurate fish feed. The size, shape and moisture content of the product meet your requirements.

Such as starch, meat, fish and shrimp. Quality animal food must be healthy, tasty, and appealing to both the animal and its owner. Our extrusion solutions cover everything from raw materials to packaging, significantly reducing production costs and achieving the consistent quality required.

  1. High in protein and low in carbohydrates.

The protein content of livestock feed is generally less than 20%, while the protein content of aquatic animal feed is mostly 30% to 40%, and the protein content of turtle and eel feed is as high as 65% to 70%. We should choose a good feed formula and mix the different ingredients together with a flour mixer. It is one of the key equipment of feed mill, and its performance directly affects the productivity and product quality of feed mill.

Recommended: Economical fish feed mixer machine. It is widely used for the uniform mixing of fish feed raw materials to ensure the quality of granulation.

fish feed

  1. The particle material has compact structure, strong adhesion and good water resistance.

For example, aquatic feed requires particles to be water stable for 2-10 hours or more.

Because the production of fish feed has high requirements for gelatinization degree and water stability, the choice of fish feed extruder is very important. By extending the tempering time of materials and starch gelatinization at high temperature, the adhesion of feed particles can be enhanced, and many harmful bacteria such as salmonella can be killed, which not only improves the water stability of fish feed, but also improves the palatability and digestibility of feed.

4 Aquatic feed production, cross-contamination is strictly prohibited

Some raw materials need to be aseptic treatment, the selected equipment is easy to clean up, less residue, especially when the production of shrimp, eel feed, not to produce other kinds of feed at the same time, to prevent cross-contamination.

We are the industry leader in mixing, extrusion, drying, etc., and our mature product line configuration and services bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the market. Customers benefit from the process, technology, systems and service departments. They provide the ultimate support for the design, manufacture and implementation of the ideal system, from the idea to the product, we will adjust the scheme and design layout according to the different configuration requirements of the customer, rationalizing the custom production and design to meet the core needs of the customer. These departments are made up of engineers, food technicians, development technicians and professionals from various departments. We also provide service, maintenance, repair, automation, technical support and training. Work with us to provide you with a solution for every process.

ई-मेल:[email protected]

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कृत्रिम चावल मशीन रोटी के टुकड़ों बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज उत्पादन लाइन अनाज बाहर निकालना मशीन अनाज बाहर निकालना अनाज प्रसंस्करण के उपकरण मकई का आटा बनाने की मशीन मकई के गुच्छे उत्पादन मशीन मकई पफ बनाने की मशीन डॉग खाद्य बनाने की मशीन extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना के अनाज बाहर निकालना नाश्ता खाद्य मशीनरी गुच्छे मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाद्य कारखाने मशीन खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन दृढ़ चावल बनाने की मशीन fryums बनाने की मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च संशोधित स्टार्च मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च उत्पादन लाइन panko मशीन पालतू पशु खाद्य extruder पालतू पशु खाद्य मशीनरी पालतू पशु खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन फूला नाश्ते मशीन पफ नाश्ता प्रसंस्करण लाइन चावल extruder नाश्ता extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उपकरण नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन नाश्ता मशीनरी नाश्ता बनाने की मशीन नाश्ते मशीन विनिर्माण सोया का हिस्सा बनाने की मशीन tvp extruder twin-screw बाहर निकालना मशीन