पॉपकॉर्न उत्पादन और मशीनरी

Popcorn is the perfect transformation of corn

A popcorn seed can pop out of its shell in an instant and become more popular than a corn kernel. With the mini explosion of their transformation, the kernels swell up to 50 times their original size, making them fluffy and chewy, with nutritional benefits such as fiber and antioxidants that make them snack superheroes.

Popcorn line

Why does corn explode?

A popcorn kernel has three key components: a tough outer shell called the pericarp, an intermediate layer called the endosperm, and the innermost part called the germ or seed embryo. Each popcorn shell is filled with water and starch. When the kernels are heated, the water turns into steam. This steam creates pressure inside the seed. As the pressure increases, the starch begins to soften. When the seed reaches about 350 degrees, the shell or peel explodes under pressure and the starch breaks the boundaries of the shell.

Why doesn’t every kernel of corn become popcorn?

Each seed needs about 14% water. If the moisture content is below this level, the steam is reduced and the seeds are less likely to be under enough pressure to burst and swell.

The nutritional value of popcorn

Popcorn is more than just a mouth-watering, delicious snack. Popcorn is also nutritious, thanks to a high concentration of polyphenols – healthy micronutrients found in plant foods and high in antioxidants that protect cells in the body from breaking down. According to a 2012 study, a serving of popcorn contains 300 milligrams of polyphenols – nearly three times the polyphenol content of a serving of sweet corn and almost twice the polyphenol content of a serving of fruit. The reason they are rich in nutrients is because popcorn kernels contain an average of 4% water, while fruits and vegetables contain 90% water. When the inner core bursts, what’s left is the starch and epidermis, where the fiber and polyphenols reside. After digestion, the fiber transports polyphenols into the bloodstream, which in turn can have a positive effect on the health of those who eat popcorn.

DaYi popcorn production line equipment is a set of mixing, dispersing, mixing in one of the multi-functional and efficient equipment.Suitable for caramel, peanut candy, dark chocolate, salt and pepper nori, matcha chocolate, salted egg yolk and other appearance seasoning processing.The popcorn production line adopts advanced transmission and sealing structure, so that the transmission part and the tank body are clean and hygienic. The use of frequency control power supply, more stable operation.


Popcorn production line can be based on the customer’s output to match the length of the machine and the line, from the single machine burst popcorn poured on the conveyor, for dispersion, cooling, transmission, screening to popcorn direct packaging! Greatly improve the efficiency, increase the output, to meet the customer orders, large demand requirements! And the filtered popcorn is full, sphericity is good, to meet customer requirements!

Popcorn production line Features

  1. Save manpower

Transform traditional workshop processing into automated production

  1. High equipment utilization rate

After a group of equipment enters the production line, the output is several times higher than that of a single operation

3, high product quality

Equipment in the production process, temperature time equipment, feeding and discharging once completed

4, stable production capacity

When a single machine fails, the material transfer can bypass the faulty machine and not affect the output of the entire production line.

ई-मेल:[email protected]

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कृत्रिम चावल मशीन रोटी के टुकड़ों बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज उत्पादन लाइन अनाज बाहर निकालना मशीन अनाज बाहर निकालना अनाज प्रसंस्करण के उपकरण मकई का आटा बनाने की मशीन मकई के गुच्छे उत्पादन मशीन मकई पफ बनाने की मशीन डॉग खाद्य बनाने की मशीन extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना के अनाज बाहर निकालना नाश्ता खाद्य मशीनरी गुच्छे मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाद्य कारखाने मशीन खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन दृढ़ चावल बनाने की मशीन fryums बनाने की मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च संशोधित स्टार्च मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च उत्पादन लाइन panko मशीन पालतू पशु खाद्य extruder पालतू पशु खाद्य मशीनरी पालतू पशु खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन फूला नाश्ते मशीन पफ नाश्ता प्रसंस्करण लाइन चावल extruder नाश्ता extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उपकरण नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन नाश्ता मशीनरी नाश्ता बनाने की मशीन नाश्ते मशीन विनिर्माण सोया का हिस्सा बनाने की मशीन tvp extruder twin-screw बाहर निकालना मशीन