Advantages of twin-screw extruder in the snack food processing industry

Extrusion is a common feed and food processing technique that involves the use of a series of screws (or a single screw) to push food into small troughs, which are then baked at high pressure and temperature before being enclosed in barrels. Most snack and food companies now use extrusion to produce the final product

The food extrusion process is more efficient and compact than traditional production. The technology offers greater flexibility, allows for seamless transitions between multiple formulations, and provides significant savings in labor, energy, equipment and space. Therefore, in the snack food industry, twin-screw extrusion has become very popular due to its multiple advantages. We’ll learn about them here.


  1. Provide more process flexibility

Twin-screw extruders offer a higher level of flexibility during processing due to their ability to simultaneously handle various processing functions such as combining, melting, mixing, cooking, freezing, venting, etc.

  1. Has better mixing ability

Twin-screw extruders use interpenetrating screws and various specific screw designs, such as gear mixers, reverse screw assemblies, and kneading blocks, to allow precise modification of the amount of mixing or shear. This gives you more control over the intensity and quality of your mix.

twin-screw बाहर निकालना मशीन

  1. Higher product productivity

Twin-screw extruders are more adaptable than single-screw extruders and can therefore manage a wider range of mixing recipes, raw materials or complex formulations. In addition, twin-screw extruders do not experience performance degradation when the screws wear out, compared to single-screw extruders.


  1. Twin-screw extruder has strong self-cleaning ability

Since the two threaded sleeves are intertwined, the contact part forms a continuous spatial curve with uniform gaps. With the synchronous rotation of the two, the space curve moves accordingly, forming the self-control effect between the screws. At the same time, the glue on the surface of the thread is removed to ensure that there is no residual material.


  1. Twin-screw extruder has strong adaptability.

For high-viscosity materials, shallow-groove screws can be used for low-shear rate processing. For materials with high shear rate or high screw speed, deep groove screw is more suitable for improving extrusion quality and output.


If you want to engage in the snack food processing industry or want to purchase a twin-screw extruder separately, Dayi Machinery is your best choice.

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कृत्रिम चावल मशीन रोटी के टुकड़ों बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज बनाने की मशीन नाश्ता अनाज उत्पादन लाइन अनाज बाहर निकालना मशीन अनाज बाहर निकालना अनाज प्रसंस्करण के उपकरण मकई का आटा बनाने की मशीन मकई के गुच्छे उत्पादन मशीन मकई पफ बनाने की मशीन डॉग खाद्य बनाने की मशीन extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना के अनाज बाहर निकालना नाश्ता खाद्य मशीनरी गुच्छे मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाना बाहर निकालना मशीन खाद्य कारखाने मशीन खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन दृढ़ चावल बनाने की मशीन fryums बनाने की मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च संशोधित स्टार्च मशीन संशोधित स्टार्च उत्पादन लाइन panko मशीन पालतू पशु खाद्य extruder पालतू पशु खाद्य मशीनरी पालतू पशु खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन फूला नाश्ते मशीन पफ नाश्ता प्रसंस्करण लाइन चावल extruder नाश्ता extruder नाश्ता बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन बाहर निकालना मशीन नाश्ता भोजन मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उपकरण नाश्ता खाद्य प्रसंस्करण मशीनरी नाश्ता खाद्य उत्पादन लाइन नाश्ता मशीनरी नाश्ता बनाने की मशीन नाश्ते मशीन विनिर्माण सोया का हिस्सा बनाने की मशीन tvp extruder twin-screw बाहर निकालना मशीन