Avada Catering Services


  • pregelatinized starch

500-800 kg/h Modified Starch Processing Machine

I. Introduction of Pregelatinized Modified Starch  Pre gelatinized starch, one important type of the modified starch, is made from natural starch through a pre gelatinization process to obtain various adhesive properties. As a ready-to-use[...]

By |2023-07-31|
  • pregelatinized starch

400-500 kg/h Modified Starch Manufacturing Machine

I. Introduction of Pregelatinized Modified Starch  Pre gelatinized starch, one important type of the modified starch, is made from natural starch through a pre gelatinization process to obtain various adhesive properties. As a ready-to-use[...]

By |2023-07-31|
  • pregelatinized starch

300-400 kg/h Modified Starch Adhesive Processing Machine

I. Introduction of Pregelatinized Modified Starch Adhesive  Pre gelatinized starch, as one important type of the modified starch, is made from natural starch through a pre gelatinization process to obtain various adhesive properties. As[...]

By |2023-07-31|
  • Pet chews made by pet chews making machinery

300-500kg/h Dog Cat Chews Feed Making Machine

I. Introduction of Dog Cat Chews Traditional pet chews are mostly meat strips made from pigskin and cowhide, soaked, folded by hand, and dried.The modern pet chews are made of natural starch,[...]

By |2023-07-27|

500-800kg/h Pet Chews Food Production Line

I. Introduction of Pet Chews Food Traditional pet chews food are mostly meat strips made from pigskin and cowhide, soaked, folded by hand, and dried.The modern pet chews are made of natural[...]

By |2023-07-27|

150kg/h Dog Cat Chews Food Making Machine

I. Introduction of Dog Cat Chews Traditional pet chews are mostly meat strips made from pigskin and cowhide, soaked, folded by hand, and dried.The modern pet chews are made of natural[...]

By |2023-07-27|

700-900 kg/h Analog Rice Food Industry Equipment

I. Introduction of Analog Rice Analog rice is made from non-rice plants through extrusion process. The non-rice plant raw material are grains and tubers including white corn flour, yellow corn flour, tapioca flour,[...]

By |2023-07-26|

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