كيف رقائق الذرة مصنوعة?

Corn flakes is a kind of brittle food, with good rehydration, external impact is not rotten, smooth taste, grain flavor. Its main raw material is corn flour, and added sugar, a variety of vitamins, minerals mixed raw materials, adding a certain amount of water after being fully kneaded, curing, molding, pressing and baking seasoning to make a thin sheet.


Dayi extruded corn flakes processing equipment using twin screw extruder, its working principle is under high temperature and high pressure conditions, the water contained in corn kernels continue to absorb energy and vaporize, and forced into the interior of the corn molecules, cut. Before reaching the homogenization stage, the corn meal gradually changes from a solid state to a viscous fluid state. The viscous fluid corn protein molecules continue their protein denaturation process in the homogenization section, and are continuously extruded. When the temperature drops suddenly, the water molecules squeezed into the protein molecules rapidly expand, vaporize, and “explode” the substances surrounding it to complete the final denaturation process, and together make the commodity constitute a loose substance with many micropores – puffed corn balls. The expanded corn balls are then naturally cooled and rolled into corn flakes.

corn flakes


1 Mixing machine: mixing raw materials, auxiliary materials and water and other materials, moderate speed, mixing evenly;

  1. Screw conveying: The screw mechanism is used to lift the raw material to the feed machine of the twin screw main engine.

Twin-screw extruder: This machine is composed of feeding system, extrusion system, rotary cutting system, heating system, transmission system and control system. Using advanced screw extruding technology, the material is matured and extruded by high temperature and high pressure in one time. The host adopts frequency conversion speed regulation to ensure the stability of the production process. Dayi Machinery has 100kg-1000kg host equipment with different output for you to choose.

  1. Vibration cooling: used for the initial cooling of the product, the product out of the previous equipment is evenly distributed to the next equipment.
  2. Air feeder: used to transport puffed food to the next equipment.
  3. Tablet press: used to press semi-finished products into sheet products.
  4. Elevator: used to lift the product to the oven
  5. Oven: It is used to dry and dehydrate the semi-finished products produced. Belt drying device is adopted, and a certain number of heating devices are installed in the oven to use electric heating for drying. It is a drying and dewatering device commonly used for extruded products.
  6. Sugar spray machine: used to adjust the taste of the product, the front roller is used for seasoning, and the back roller is used for spraying oil, so that the seasoning and spraying oil are operated separately, and the seasoning quality of the product is improved a lot.

After spraying sugar, it is necessary to dry and cool it twice before it can enter the next step

  1. Packaging machine: Sheet from the cooling roller of the baking machine through the feed conveyor into the automatic packaging machine. The packaged product then enters the cartoon packaging machine via an outflow conveyor, and from there comes out via a horizontal conveyor.

Our services:

1, according to your needs for special design and manufacturing and application test, and provide targeted training.

2, for your equipment configuration, process design, plant optimization layout.

3, in the factory for your on-site guidance, and on-site demonstration.

4, transport agents, send technicians to the door to install and debug, training personnel.

5, business personnel to provide you with the corresponding market information, equipment portfolio, process technology, raw materials, packaging and other aspects of the consultation.

6, equipment warranty for one year, lifelong maintenance, long-term concessions, supply of spare parts.

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الغذاء الحل

سحابة الكلمة الدلالية

الاصطناعي الأرز آلة فتات الخبز ماكينة حبوب الإفطار آلة حبوب الإفطار يجعل آلة حبوب الإفطار خط إنتاج الحبوب آلة الطارد الحبوب البثق corn {capit} flake يجعل آلة الذرة ماكينة نفخة الكلب الغذاء مما يجعل الجهاز الطارد الوجبات الخفيفة البثق الآلات الغذائية والوجبات الخفيفة رقائق آلة الغذاء الطارد آلة بثق الغذاء الغذاء آلة المصنع خط إنتاج الغذاء الأرز المدعم ماكينة Instant rice making machine تعديل النشا يعدل نشا آلة تعديل النشا خط إنتاج panko آلة أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة الطارد أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة الآلات أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة خط إنتاج ينفخ وجبة خفيفة آلة آلة النفخ نفخة الوجبات الخفيفة خط المعالجة الأرز الطارد وجبة خفيفة الطارد وجبة خفيفة آلة الطارد وجبة خفيفة الغذاء الطارد وجبة خفيفة الآلات الغذائية وجبة خفيفة آلة صنع الطعام وجبة خفيفة معدات تجهيز المواد الغذائية الوجبات الخفيفة تجهيز الآلات الوجبات الخفيفة خط إنتاج الوجبات الخفيفة الآلات وجبة خفيفة يجعل آلة وجبة خفيفة آلة التصنيع قطع فول الصويا ماكينة tvp الطارد tvp extrusion التوأم برغي الطارد