What are the health benefits of eating fortified rice
Fortified rice, also known as nutrient-fortified rice, refers to the finished rice made by adding some nutrient-fortified rice to ordinary rice. At present, the main nutrients used for rice nutrition[...]
Some things About FRK(Fortified Rice Kernels)
What is fortified rice kernels? Fortified rice kernels are kernels of rice that right blend with vitamins and minerals, as well as other micronutrients. The role of fortified rice kernels ? Fortifying rice with[...]
How does an artificial rice machine make rice?
Artificial rice making machine using broken rice, corn, millet, wheat, oats, buckwheat, beans, starch as the main raw materials, some other vitamins and minerals as part of the raw materials first[...]
250-300 kg/h Nutrient Artificial Rice Making Machine
I. Introduction of Nutrient Artificial Rice Artificial rice (also called enriched rice, fortified rice) is produced by adding certain nutrients to ordinary rice/broken rice ingredients in accordance with the corresponding[...]
What equipment are included in the fortified rice making machine?
Artificial rice machine flowchart: Grain Flour Mixing - Extrusion and Cooking - Pre-Drying - Drying - Cooling - Packing. First, we mix the raw materials and send the mixture to fortified rice mixing[...]