Fluid bed dryers use fluidization technology. Compared with the belt dryer and rotated drum dryer, fluid bed dryer converts materials from a static solid state to a dynamic fluid form during drying process. Fluid bed dryer consists of a stainless steel chamber with a removable perforated bottom. The steady air flow lifts and suspends the wet foods/snacks, and the resulting heat-transfer evaporates the water. Fluid bed dryer improves drying speed and temperature accuracy through precise control of the process-parameters.

  • Compared with multi-layer predryer, fluidized bed is more effective for drying light and small granules.
  • Adopting pulsating for air intake, fluid bed dryer dries evenly and fast, ensuring perfect quality of specific foods.
  • Sticking is avoided under the fluidized air.
  • Damage risk is minimal without using mechanical stirring
No. Terms Data
1 Moisture content of material before drying 23-25%
2 Moisture content after drying  ≤ 17%
3 Inlet air temperature 70-100℃
4 Heating Electric or gas
5 Controller Temp. display, air intake speed, moisture discharge etc.
6 Capacity 300-500 kg/h; 500-1000kg/h; 1000-1500kg/h; 1500-2000kg/h

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