ما هي الذرة نفخة سعر الجهاز?


الذرة آلة النفخ

Corn puff extruder is an advanced twin-screw extruder, which is suitable for all kinds of extruded snack food. The extruder integrates compression, mixing, mixing, shearing, melting, sterilization, expansion, molding and other functions in one, with high efficiency. The price of corn puff extruder machine is the ex-factory price, based on the comprehensive cost and service. According to the machine material, machine model, production, the price can be different, we can sell a single machine, but also can sell the whole production line, the price is different, the price is from $60,000 to $280,000.


Advantages of twin-screw extruder


  1. Raw materials have wider adaptability, can self-adjust high viscosity, low viscosity, high fat content, high moisture or viscosity, multi-oil, very wet and other raw materials processing, in the single screw extruder (DLG) will slip.


  1. The particle size of raw materials is less limited, and it can self-adjust the raw materials with wide particle size or from micro-powder to coarse powder particles and raw materials for single screw extruder processing, such as potato powder, corn, millet, rice, oats, soybeans, wheat and so on.


  1. بغض النظر عن بخار الماء وغيرها مساعد إنتاج وتجهيز عملية تدفق المواد في برميل يمكن أن يكون أكثر بالتساوي للحصول على أدق نسبة إلى تحقيق الطلب الفعلي تأثير.


  1. المنتج جيد الداخلية والخارجية الجودة يمكن تحقيق التجانس الدولة, حيث أن التركيب الجزيئي المواد يتم توزيعها بالتساوي ، مظهر ناعم أثناء عملية البثق, الجسيمات المنتج التوحيد عالية ، توزيع موحد هو جيد.


  1. The homogenizing curing effect is good. Usually, the maturity of starch can reach more than 95%, stable operation, product nutrition is not lost, easy to digest and absorb.


6.At the same power, the output is higher. Good mixing performance evenly distributes the heat obtained by the material in time, accelerates the aging of the material, reduces the fluctuation of the material temperature, and improves the output of extrusion expansion products.


  1. The products have a wider variety and adaptability, can be processed breakfast cereals, corn chips, puffsnacks, baby food, pet food, fish and shrimp feed, and by changing the mold to form different shapes and sizes of puffed snack products.


  1. The process operation is relatively simple, and the spindle speed can be adjusted according to the needs of processed products. Due to the characteristics of self-cleaning, cleaning is very convenient, and there is no need to disassemble the equipment after each processing, which better ensures health and food safety.


  1. Wear of wearing parts is lighter, the general wrong concept is that single screw wear is less, in fact, due to the stable material conveying and material flow characteristics of the double screw extrusion process, determines that the screw and cylinder liner wear is less than the single screwextruder, although the number of screws is more, but the cost of parts is still lower than the single screw extruder.


  1. انخفاض تكلفة الإنتاج. ويرجع ذلك إلى استقرار العملية التوأم برغي نموذج ، بدءا من المواد في تصنيع الأعلاف أقل الماء و الغاز النفايات أقل وقت العمل هو أقل كفاءة نقل الحرارة عالية ، سعر المنتج النهائي عالية, انتاج الطاقة مؤشر مرتفع ، اكسسوارات منخفض التكلفة النهائية تكلفة الإنتاج أقل بكثير من واحد المسمار.


11 Variety of output: up to 100-1000kg/h or more, can be selected according to the actual situation of the manufacturer


الاتصال بنا

The machine is widely used for different purposes, the required equipment is different, for different processing materials, the model and price of the required machine are different. Whether you need a single machine or production line, please contact us immediately. We will recommend the right machine according to your material and output. And, we will provide you with the appropriate price and professional solutions.


البريد الإلكتروني:[email protected]

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