إنتاج التطبيق من خلات النشا

Acetate starch is composed of starch and acetate esterification agent. Its production process is to mix starch and acetate esterification agent through esterification reaction.


  1. Raw materials for making acetate starch


The raw materials for making acetate starch include starch and acetate esterification agent.

Starch is a polysaccharide produced by plants and can be extracted from plants with high starch content such as corn, wheat, and potatoes.

Acetate is a chemical that reacts with starch. Generally, acetate esterification agents are composed of chemical substances such as acetic acid, chloroacetic acid or anhydride.


  1. How to make acetate starch


The production process of acetate starch is to mix starch and acetate esterification agent through esterification reaction. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Add starch to water and stir evenly to prepare starch paste.
  2. Add acetate esterification agent to the starch paste and stir to mix.
  3. Heat the mixture to a certain temperature, usually around 80°C, and maintain a certain reaction time.
  4. Dry the reaction mixture to produce granular acetate starch.

In the process of making acetate starch, factors such as reaction time, reaction temperature, and the proportion of reactants will affect the quality and properties of acetate starch. Therefore, various parameters need to be strictly controlled during the production process to ensure the stability and quality of acetate starch.


  1. Application of acetate starch


Acetate starch is a common food additive used to improve the stability and taste of food. It can be used to make various puffed foods, meat products, quick-frozen foods, bread, biscuits, etc. In addition, it can also be used to make medicines, cosmetics and other products.


【in conclusion】

Acetate starch is composed of starch and acetate esterification agent. Its production process is to mix starch and acetate esterification agent through esterification reaction. Various parameters need to be strictly controlled during the production process to ensure the quality and stability of acetate starch. Acetate starch is a common food additive that can be used to improve the quality and taste of food.


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