كيفية جعل الذقن الذقن الخفيفة & الذقن الذقن ماكينة

Chin-Chin is always at the top of the menu of short ribs served at Nigerian parties/occasions. At parties, guests are always happy to chew on this crunchy treat before serving. Chin Chin can also be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, in any way. Some people like hard, dry chin chin, others like soft, crunchy chin chin.


The complete steps for making chin chin are: Prepare the ingredients – make the dough – cut chin chin- fry chin chin- package.


For large and small food manufacturing plants, their scale is different. Therefore, the specifications and output of the machines used are also different.

Large food production plants can produce chin chin snacks in large quantities. Therefore, it requires a more automated production line to manufacture. For small food factories, money and space are limited. Therefore, it may only take an industrial chin chin cutter and a small fryer to solve the problem.



How to make chin chin?

1 Prepare raw materials

To make chin chin, milk, flour, sugar, eggs, salt, baking powder and other ingredients are generally required. In the actual production, you can also add pepper, cinnamon and other materials according to local tastes

2 Mixing

Mix the prepared ingredients well to form a dough shape. In this step, you can use a professional dough mixer or knead the dough continuously by hand.

3 Cut chin chin

Before cutting the dough, you can press it repeatedly with a dough press to cut the flat piece into the desired shape. For industrial chin chin cutting machines, we offer different models and yields of machines for different customers.

4 frying 

For fryers, we also offer machines with different yields. Can adapt to various customer needs. chin chin frying machine has a variety of heating methods such as electricity and gas. Moreover, it also has the function of automatic temperature control.

5 Packaging

In order to ensure long-term storage and easy to carry, chin chin packaging machine can be used for packaging after cooling. It can control the weight and grams of the package.

Advantages of the chinchin processing line


1 The machine is all made of 304 stainless steel, which can be used for a long time;


2 The cost of investing in a production line is low, and the manufacturer can quickly get a return on this processing line and benefit from it;


3 The chin chin processing line can make various pasta by changing different molds;


4 This production line has various output options to meet the needs of different customers.

chi-chinالذقن الذقن

Precautions during production


For chin chin’s taste, the corresponding ingredients can be added to get the corresponding taste. Chin chin dough should be added according to your own needs or the needs of local customers.


It is available in hard, soft and intermediate versions. If you want a fluffy chinchin, you should add butter and fermented flour to the dough when you mix it. If you want a firm chin chin, skip the eggs and baking powder, but you can add milk.


When cutting dough, industrial chin chin cutters can be replaced to make different shapes and sizes. We can customize according to customer’s needs.


Dayi machiney provides guaranteed high quality products and perfect after-sales service. Since we offer a series of machines with different capacities, the price of chin chin making machines is different. Prices vary in many aspects, such as machine size, output, number of machines, customized services, etc. We welcome you to let us know your needs in order to send a quote.


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الغذاء الحل

سحابة الكلمة الدلالية

الاصطناعي الأرز آلة فتات الخبز ماكينة حبوب الإفطار آلة حبوب الإفطار يجعل آلة حبوب الإفطار خط إنتاج الحبوب آلة الطارد الحبوب البثق الحبوب معدات تجهيز corn {capit} flake يجعل آلة رقائق الذرة آلة الإنتاج الذرة ماكينة نفخة الكلب الغذاء مما يجعل الجهاز الطارد الوجبات الخفيفة قذف من الحبوب البثق الآلات الغذائية والوجبات الخفيفة رقائق آلة الغذاء الطارد آلة بثق الغذاء الغذاء آلة المصنع خط إنتاج الغذاء الأرز المدعم ماكينة fryums ماكينة تعديل النشا يعدل نشا آلة تعديل النشا خط إنتاج panko آلة أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة الطارد أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة الآلات أغذية الحيوانات الأليفة خط إنتاج ينفخ وجبة خفيفة آلة نفخة الوجبات الخفيفة خط المعالجة الأرز الطارد وجبة خفيفة الطارد وجبة خفيفة آلة الطارد وجبة خفيفة الغذاء الطارد وجبة خفيفة الآلات الغذائية وجبة خفيفة معدات تجهيز المواد الغذائية الوجبات الخفيفة تجهيز الآلات الوجبات الخفيفة خط إنتاج الوجبات الخفيفة الآلات وجبة خفيفة يجعل آلة وجبة خفيفة آلة التصنيع قطع فول الصويا ماكينة tvp الطارد التوأم برغي الطارد